The Art of Unexpected Discoveries

In my artistic practice, I focus on series, constantly exploring a diverse palette of colors, materials, and techniques. My primary driving force is a deep-seated curiosity for discovering the new and the unknown, a journey of unexpected discoveries.


In the beginning there is the desire for intensity and the longing for a colorful life. As free as possible of figurative elements, the focus of this series is on color and its effect. The color finds its way into the picture. Sometimes wild, sometimes gentle, but always unexpected, it flows across the screen. Free and without specifications. A hymn to the beauty of the unexpected.



They looks like landscape paintings. But they were not created by physically painting with a brush on canvas, but exclusively by digitally blending several photos. This is how the multiple copying and overlaying of real landscape images creates a new view of the world that only exists in our imagination. To put it in a formula: real + real = surreal



This series is about the conscious deconstruction of loved ones. Having the courage to look beyond the familiar and to discover something new. To do this, I digitally cut my abstract acrylic colorfield paintings and reassemble them over and over again in a game of chaos. The goal: Don't think, but make friends with chance and follow the allure of the unknown.



The intersection of painting and sculpture in these works symbolizes the fusion of dream and reality. They invite the viewers to think beyond the traditional boundaries of art and to recognize that the potential for something extraordinary lies in recombining the old and the familiar. This series is a celebration of the human ability to create something new from what already exists.


GALLERY REpresentation


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